It's finally FALL! Yippeeeee! My favorite time of year and I couldn't be more excited. Now if only the weather would cooperate and get below 90 degrees. I wanted to posted a few things from around my house that I've done recently to celebrate the season. I have everything from a table top, homemade wreath, glittery pumpkins and yard signs. I'm sort of out of control...
My first idea is something I found on Thrifty Decor Chick's blog which you can view here. She shows step by step instructions on how to construct it, and they are very easy to understand. I think mine turned out great for my first try!
Here it is:
My second project is the one I'm most proud of. I saw so many amazing table tops in Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma that it inspired me to make my own. Of course my goal was inexpensive so my DIY skills kicked into full force and this is what I ended up with...

How I put it all together was so easy it's almost ridiculous. The garland in the center with the pretty leaves and white pumpkins and gourd is from Michael's (50% off so it was a whopping $5 for a 6ft strand). The glass hurricanes were from the Dollar Tree so total for all three was $3. I also purchased the ribbon at Dollar Tree and used my hot glue gun to secure them around the hurricanes to add some interest. Lastly the gold leaf chargers were from Target in the those awesome dollar bins at the front of the store. $2.50 for a pack of two! I already had the plates and those lovely pine cones... they came from my front yard! I just spray painted them with some shimmery gold paint to spruce them up. So total for this entire table was: $19.00!!
If you don't already have plates they sell those at Dollar Tree also and I spotted some really cute ones yesterday that were fall colored leaf bowls. I almost bought them but my kitchen is already too small to hold all the dishes I have now!
Here's another view with a few votive candles I had around the house (also from Dollar Tree). I lurve that place!
Lastly I wanted to add a few more touches around the house so I glittered up a foam pumpkin from Dollar Tree and got some fall colored filler for my wall hanging in the living room. I love these types of wall pieces because you change out the filler with the different seasons or even your mood. Typically filler is on sale especially at Hobby Lobby. For the punkin' I used a traditional glue stick and some gold glitter. Nobody said home decor was rocket science ok? :) I think it turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself!
That's it for the fall projects so far but I'm sure there will be more to come. The first day of fall was just yesterday so I'm raring to go now. Here are a few more random pics of the house I took that I figured I'd throw in. Hope you guys enjoy! If anyone has any other good ideas let me know! I'd love to see pics too :)
My craft supervisor, Samson.